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Discover dairy and make the invisible, visible - Year 7 & 8

This is an educational resource for Technology Mandatory Years 7 to 8 Agriculture and Food Technologies. It is mapped to the outcomes of the Agriculture and Food Technologies content of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Technology Mandatory (2018) syllabus. This resource focuses on the investigation of how managed environments and systems are used to look after cows and calves, produce, process and deliver milk, and manage the environment sustainably.

Cows Dairy Environment Australian Healthy Industry Milk

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How cows make milk

This video explains the process of how cows turn grass into milk. Cows belong to a group of animals called ruminants (roo-min-ants). Ruminants have four stomach compartments, each of which plays a different role in digesting food.

Calves Cows Farms Milk Grass Australian Dairy World Milk Day