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Resource - Activity Ideas - Year 1

These Year 1 activity ideas will encourage students to read stories about life on a farm and write a descriptive text about their ideal farm or a procedure for making butter. Students will also name different types of dairy foods and display these on a poster board. (Size: 109Kb)

Butter Calves Cream Dairy Farmers Breeds Australian Science School World Milk Day

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Inquiry Unit - Foundation - Year 2

This Foundation to Year 2 Life as a Dairy Cow resource explores and defines the systems used to raise and care for dairy cows. It discovers the methods used on Australian dairy farms to support milk production. Following an inquiry-based approach, the unit endeavours to use information about dairy farming as stimulus for the learning journey, so students can become internally motivated to explore and make connections. (Size: 779Kb)

World Milk Day

Discover how other dairy products are made

All dairy products start with one natural ingredient, milk. This video explains how other dairy products like butter, cream, custard and ice-cream are made.

Butter Cream Milk Yoghurt Pasteurise Icecream Cheese Cows Dairy Farms

History of dairy farming

This video explains how dairy farming started in Australia, with dairy cows arriving on the First Fleet in 1788. For over 200 years, Australia’s dairy farmers have been producing high quality dairy foods we enjoy every day, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt.

Australian Dairy Cows History Farms Farmers Milk