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Explore Dairy VR

Through an immersive, educational experience, using VR headsets, school aged children are transported to a dairy farm, where they have the opportunity to learn what it takes to turn grass into milk.

Discover a career

No matter your skillset, dairy farming is a career option for anyone. Once you have dairy farm experience, your dairy job can lead to a rewarding career and pathways to many other industries and career opportunities.


It’s that time of year again and we all know a little too well about Lunchbox fatigue…. it’s real! Adding dairy foods to the lunchbox plays an important role in helping to power kids through their day. To make getting ready for school easier, try our cool dairy hacks to give you, and your lunchbox, a boost.

Picasso Cows Program

A FREE curriculum program designed to educate primary school children about the Australian dairy industry and the health and nutrition benefits of dairy foods as part of a balanced diet.